Welcome to St. Joseph’s Collegiate Chapel, Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

This Sunday, September 11, 2022 we are offering streaming through Facebook as well as in-person Holy Eucharist in the chapel at 11:30 a.m.

We remember with prayer all those lost in the Trade Center bombings in New York City, September 11, 2001.

We pray also for the soul of Elizabeth, Queen of England, who passed into Eternity on Thursday, September 9. May she rest in peace and may light perpetual shine upon her.

Livestreaming on Sundays (at 11 a.m.) is also available through our sister parish in the Stanford area, St. Ann Anglican Church Facebook page or through the Anglican Province of Christ the King Facebook page. Contact the vicar, Fr. Matthew Weber, at Saintannchapel@gmail.com to be placed on the Zoom invitation email list for Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday Mass at 11 a.m.

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Bishop Jones and Bishop Ashman announce the first call for Fall Seminary registration:



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An inspiring and rewarding Residential Summer Session 2022 for our Anglican Seminary has ended. We look forward to summer 2023 to once again gather to learn, mark, and inwardly digest, and to worship in our beautiful chapel. Safe travels to all who took part. May God bless you in the coming year.

Photos of the noon weekday Masses are on our Facebook page and our new LinkedIn page.

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New! We have expanded the Shepherd’s Staff to include the entire Province. Thank you, Fr. Gordon Hines of St. George’s Las Vegas, now Editor and Publisher. Please send news submissions to frhines@cox.net.

The Shepherd’s Staff, Anglican Province of Christ the King (APCK) Newsletter:

The APCK Shepherd’s Staff, August 2022

The APCK Shepherd’s Staff, July 2022

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The Shepherd’s Staff, the Diocese of the Western States (DWS) Newsletter:

Shepherd’s Staff 2022 – 07 June

Shepherd’s Staff 2022 – 06 May

Shepherd’s Staff 2022 – 05 Special Edition

Shepherd’s Staff 2022 – 04 April

Shepherd’s Staff 2022 – 03 March

Shepherd’s Staff 2022 – 02 February

Shepherd’s Staff 2022 – 01 January

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St. Joseph of Arimathea Chapel, a parish of the Anglican Province of Christ the King, witnesses to Apostolic Christianity in the Anglican tradition.

Located a block from the University of California, Berkeley, the Chapel serves as the Archbishop’s Chapel and the Collegiate Chapel for St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Theological Seminary. It is also a parish home for neighboring university students and the Bay Area community.

We welcome you to worship with us!

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Archbishop Upham’s Pastoral Letter on Racism, Council of Bishops Statement, August 28, 2020

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Online Classes are listed on the Seminary page of the Anglican Province of Christ the King website: www.anglicanpck.org

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Archbishop Robert Sherwood Morse, 1923-2015, Founder of the Anglican Province of Christ the King, RIP

In honor of the life and love of Archbishop Robert Sherwood MorseArchbishop Morse Rest in Peace   Archbishop Morse’s Biography   In Memoriam, Special Edition Christus Rex

All Is Grace, a Collection of Pastoral Sermons by Archbishop Robert Sherwood Morse was released in May 2017 by the American Church Union. Visit the American Church Union for more information and to purchase online.

In MemoriamMemorial Dedication, October 24, 2015, St. Joseph of Arimathea Chapel, Berkeley, California

In Memoriam: Video Tribute of his life

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